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The bus service will be continued, according to street railway officials, until the Adams avenue problem is finally settled.—San Diego Union-Tribune, 28 Aug. 2022 Bacon ordered work stopped, and refused to allow the street railway company to put the street in safe and passable condition, or even to smooth over the street intersections before leaving the job.—San Diego Union-Tribune, 28 Aug. 2022 Bacon did not appear anxious to take any action against this man, but arrested Kuehmsted, who was unarmed and who ad just averted a possible shooting scrape between the threatening citizen and one of the street railway employes.—San Diego Union-Tribune, 28 Aug. 2022 On January 1, 1893, the entire street railway system of New York City was operated by horses.—Scientific American, 15 May 2020 Boise City chartered the Boise Rapid Transit Company, an electric street railway system, on May 28, 1890, just weeks before Idaho became the 43rd state of the Union on July 3.—Arthur Hart, idahostatesman, 4 May 2018 The dynamos which will furnish power for the street railway will receive their power from the water in the Jacobs mill ditch.—Arthur Hart, idahostatesman, 4 May 2018 Built by a street railways company, the plant was acquired by the Kansas City Power & Light company in 1927.—kansascity, 19 Dec. 2017